Red bug - มวนแดง - 半翅目 - Полужесткокрылые - Hemiptera - हेमिपटेरा
I found this bitten red bug at my house in Kanchanaburi on 11 May 2019. Don't know who has bit this guy but amazing that it still alive and moving fast like a normal red bug.
เจอเจ้ามวนแดงนี้ที่บ้านจังหวัดกาญจนบุรี เมื่อ 11 พ.ค. 2562 ไม่ทราบเหมือนกันว่าไปโดนตัวอะไรกัดมา แต่ที่น่าสนใจคือมันยังใช้ชีวิตปกติเหมือนไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นกับมัน
More info about this red bug
Probergrothius sanguinolent is a bug found in India. They feed on a range of seeds and are particularly common on the seeds of Sterculia and
other Malvaceae. They also feed on the freshly dead animal matter with early instar nymphs preferring to animal matter to seeds.
The adult bug is predominantly red. The second antennal segment is slightly longer than the first. The second and third antennal segments,
the scutellum, all or part of the clavus, and wing membrane are black. The fourth segment of the antenna is creamy white and its tip is dusky.
Bacteria in the genus Gordonibacter are known to be gut microsymbionts and a phylogenetic study of mitochondrial gene sequences suggests
that the genus Probergrothius split from the common ancestors of Dysdercus, Dindymus, Scanthius, and Pyrrhocoris around 86.5±23 mya.
Source: access May 20th, 2019 10 pm.